Issue #123
Featured: For many with disabilities, ‘Let It Go’ is an anthem of acceptance
NPR covers how one song in a Disney movie has resonated with many people, including those with disabilities.
Read For many with disabilities, ‘Let It Go’ is an anthem of acceptance.
News, resources, tools and tutorials
- How do you figure? (blog post –
- 2019 State of digital accessibility aurvey by Level Access & G3ict (survey –
- Announcing (blog post –
- Tips for writing accessible emails: Subject lines (blog post –
- Meet the blind YouTubers making the internet more accessible (article –
- Announcing “Access,” a short film about accessibility (blog post –
- Why gen z loves closed captioning (blog post –
- What parallax lacks (blog post –
New to A11y
Joel Holmberg bust a few myths about the elderly and the Web on the Axess Lab blog. We may not often think of that generation enough when it comes to inclusive design and accessibility, and we should.
Suggestions and corrections
Have a suggestion for something to be included in Accessibility Weekly? Did I make a mistake that doesn't belong on the Internet? You can either reply to this email or send a note to
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