Issue #15

Issue number 15 was sent on

Featured: The accessibility and SEO myth

Karl Groves dives into the connection, or lack thereof between accessibility and SEO. He says:

“No, Accessibility doesn’t lead to better SEO. More importantly, this isn’t a good business case argument. It is time to put this one to rest.”

Read more of Accessibility and the SEO myth.

News and links

HTML: What’s next? The Web Platform Working Group is aiming for a release of the HTML 5.1 Recommendation later this year.

WAI-ARIA is ten: A fun fact, pointed out by Paul Adam.

Export Google Docs files as EPUB publications: Google choose EPUB because, “EPUB is the most widely supported file format for publishing accessible documents and digital books…”

Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code gets accessibility improvements: The release notes have all the details.

Resources, tools and tutorials

New to A11y

Brian Sherwin describes what it’s like to rebuild toys for children with disabilities. It’s a different kind of toy story, of course.

Suggestions and corrections

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