Issue #22
Featured: Why can’t we make it easier to be accessible?
Whitney Quesenbery wonders why accessibility isn’t easier. “Designing for accessibility ought to be easy. It ought to be the default for software,” she says.
Read more in Why can’t we make it easier to be accessible?.
News and links
Second annual Accessibility Camp New York City on Saturday, September 17, 2016: From the meetup post, “A11yNYC is proud to present Accessibility Camp NYC! Speakers from different fields in accessibility will come together to share ideas, experiences, and knowledge. We’ll discuss all things accessibility.”
Resources, tools and tutorials
- Web accessibility regulations are overdue (opinion)
- The building blocks of progressive web apps (blog post)
- Inclusive design toolkit from Microsoft (tool)
- Building in 10k: CSS structure and sandboxing (blog post)
- Structured negotiation: a winning alternative to lawsuits (book)
- Stop talking about accessibility. Start talking about inclusive design. (blog post)
- Job van Achterberg : Making your web application work for everyone - YAPC::Europe 2016 (video)
- Léonie Watson | On CSS accessibility and drinking tea | CSS Day 2016 (video)
- Text on background image a11y check (tool)
New to A11y
Good accessibility starts in the design phase. The UK’s Government Digital Service blog has written a post on designing for accessibility.
Suggestions and corrections
Have a suggestion for something to be included in Accessibility Weekly? Did I make a mistake that doesn't belong on the Internet? You can either reply to this email or send a note to
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