Issue #337

Issue number 337 was sent on

Featured: Visually hidden content is a hack that needs to be resolved, not enshrined

“But, as I’ve hopefully illustrated by now, while there is a common ruleset for visually hiding content, codifying that to me seems more of a silent acknowledgement that a hack is the best we can do. I don’t agree. The web should be better than that.”

Read more of Visually hidden content is a hack that needs to be resolved, not enshrined.

Sponsored: Thank you for attending axe-con! Recordings are now available

Many, many thanks to all the speakers and attendees who joined us live at axe-con recently! We’re humbled and honored by all the great content, participation, and support that came from the accessibility community.

Didn’t make it to the live event? Great news: All sessions were recorded and are now available on-demand, register for free to access.

News, resources, tools and tutorials

New to A11y

Less to do with accessibility, and more to do with diversity and sexism, The “tender technicians” of Nielsen Norman Group videos by Jaci Wilkinson is worth your time. It sheds light on the message people receive when they don’t see people that look like them in places that matter. And how we should question and evaluate the sources we turn to regularly.

Suggestions and corrections

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