Issue #361

Issue number 361 was sent on

Featured: Equivalent experience can cut both ways

“We both experienced some surprise and confusion navigating the knowledge panel. I’d like to call attention to one thing specifically here: the kebab mystery meat button.”

Read more of Equivalent experience can cut both ways.

Sponsored: WordPress Accessibility Day 2023

See the great talks planned for this year for WordPress Accessibility Day 2023. WordPress Accessibility Day is a 24-hour global event dedicated to promoting and learning website accessibility best practices for WordPress websites.

The conference is pre-approved for continuing education credits for the International Association of Accessibility Professionals Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS) and Certified Professional in Core Competencies (CPACC) certifications.

Read more about WordPress Accessibility Day 2023.

News, resources, tools and tutorials

New to A11y

Molly Holzschlag, an early web pioneer known for her work in web standards and being called “the fairy godmother of the web,” died this week at the age of 60.

Eric Meyer said, “She was a groundbreaker, expanding and explaining the Web at its infancy.” Bruce Lawson remembers, “She was perhaps the only person who could persuade me to go on stage with her at a conference dressed as a cowboy.” Jay Hoffman, who wrote a project on the history of the web, said “There’s almost no corner of the web that she hasn’t left her mark on.” Aaron Gustafson said “I witnessed her pass along amazing opportunities that found their way into her inbox with an incredible amount of joy. Like doling out incredible gifts for a holiday.”

Take some time this week to learn about Molly’s contributions to the web that we’re all benefitting from. A few other links that can help you along:

Suggestions and corrections

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