Issue #378

Issue number 378 was sent on

Featured: Level Access crosses the line; buys accessibility overlay company

“Accessibility is not a profit business. Sure, it can pay well for people who have expertise, but ultimately, it is a craft that is limited. Yes, some tooling can make aspects easier. Definitely, you can lint and autotest the hell out of your code. But eventually, the only thing that really makes your product accessible and inclusive is thinking about the inclusive experience constantly.”

Read more of Level Access crosses the line; buys accessibility overlay company.

Sponsored: Presentation - Building a low-code accessible WooCommerce website

Monday, January 15 at 7 PM US Central. Case study presentation from Amber Hinds, CEO of Equalize Digital on building an accessible drop-shipping WooCommerce website. Amber will share the process for building, testing, and remediating in WooCommerce, including specific plugin findings (good and bad). Held via Zoom with live captions.

Read more about Presentation - Building a low-code accessible WooCommerce website.

News, resources, tools and tutorials

New to A11y

Sophie Koonin checks out the meter element, and has some advice. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. I really like the guidance at the end of this post about choosing the right element semantically. It will come in handy for your accessibility work.

Suggestions and corrections

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