Issue #408

Issue number 408 was sent on

Featured: All accessibility is political: Understanding the intersection of accessibility, disability, and politics

“You can’t talk about accessibility without talking about disability because accessibility is inherently tied to the experiences and needs of people with disabilities. When we explore accessibility for people with disabilities, we are talking about physical access to buildings as well as digital access to information, technology, education, employment, and every facet of life. Accessibility is a fundamental issue of civil rights and social justice.”

Read more of All accessibility is political: Understanding the Intersection of accessibility, disability, and politics.

Sponsored: The value of POUR for your website

Your website may not be reaching its full potential audience. Enhancing accessibility using the POUR principles helps your business do the right thing, connect with a wider audience, and stand out from the crowd.

Explore how the POUR principles can enhance your site and expand your audience.

News, resources, tools and tutorials

New to A11y

Whitney Lewis tackles a tricky topic: accessible heading structures for home pages. I like the tip about checking if the visual emphasis matches the semantic emphasis.

Suggestions and corrections

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