Issue #416

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Featured: Developing anti-SLAPP policies for A11y Slack with Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic

“I developed policy recommendations for the A11y Slack workspace with the Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic in 2024 to protect our accessibility practitioner members against the type of SLAPP lawsuits brought by accessibility overlay companies. In this post, I summarize the takeaways and legal advice from Harvard Cyberlaw’s Web A11y Memorandum on defamation lawsuits.”

Read more of Developing anti-SLAPP policies for A11y Slack with Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic.

Sponsored: Opinion - Accessible websites are a pathway to DEI

Digital accessibility amplifies diversity by first recognizing and then respecting the unique abilities and needs of a diverse range of users. By designing platforms and content for a wide range of visitors and their abilities, we develop wider site visitorship.

Explore other ways Mangrove thinks about the interconnectedness of DEI and accessibility.

News, resources, tools and tutorials

New to A11y

Michael Taylor at UsableNet, who’s blind, answers some interesting accessibility questions from their perspective. I like how a few of these dive into common interface elements or in-person plus digital experiences. It’s a complex world out there, and it’s always more interesting when experiences blend together.

Suggestions and corrections

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