Issue #426

Issue number 426 was sent on

Featured: Don’t use aria-label on static text elements

“Don’t use the aria-label or aria-labelledby attributes on divs, spans, or other elements representing static/noninteractive text-level semantics, such as p, strong, em, and so forth, unless those elements’ roles have been overriden with roles that expect accessible names.”

Read more of Don’t use aria-label on static text elements.

Sponsored: Accessibility strategy and goal-setting workshop

Amber Hinds of Equalize Digital will be leading an accessibility strategy and goal setting workshop at WordPress Accessibility Meetup on Dec. 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM Central Time. Get help creating an accessibility roadmap for 2025.

RSVP for the workshop.

News, resources, tools and tutorials

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Websites change, RAMP keeps up. Accelerate your entire portfolio’s WCAG conformance using our accessibility testing software. Start your 14-day free trial of Accessible Web’s RAMP!

Dave Davies, front-end developer, shares his top ten tips for improving your web content with an accessibility checklist that anyone can use.

New to A11y

Warning: This link has some language not safe for work. However, its message is sound, reminding you to don’t mess with scrolling on websites and applications. The site compiles 10 excellent reasons not to do so, including a huge violation of the user experience. I appreciate how it closes: “Don’t make scrolling a thing. Just let people scroll.”

Suggestions and corrections

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