Issue #432

Issue number 432 was sent on

Featured: What makes a good accessibility designer?

“Someone asked me recently what skills a designer needs. Since I work in the accessibility space, I started thinking about how the question translates to designers who tackle accessibility every day.”

Read more of What makes a good accessibility designer?

Sponsored: I filed an ADA grievance against my city on Accessibility Craft

In this Accessibility Craft podcast episode, hosts Amber, Chris, and Steve discuss Amber’s experience filing an ADA grievance with the city of Georgetown, TX, for their inaccessible website and the lack of digital accessibility expertise among local governments.

Listen or Watch the Episode of Accessibility Craft.

News, resources, tools and tutorials

Sponsored classifieds

Learn accessibility as you fix violations with Accessible Web RAMP. Our accessibility testing software integrates WCAG instructions. Start your 14-day trial!

New to A11y

I’m a fan of good documentation, and the Service Manual has a lot of it. Its Testing with assistive technologies page covers a lot of ground with minimal content. The section on how to test with instructions, although brief, can help you get a good start on testing with assistive technology.

Suggestions and corrections

Have a suggestion for something to be included in Accessibility Weekly? Did I make a mistake that doesn't belong on the Internet? You can either reply to this email or send a note to

Sponsorships and donations

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