Issue #56

Issue number 56 was sent on

Featured: How to structure headings for web accessibility

In countless reviews of websites for accessibility, one of the most often misunderstood aspects I see is heading structure. It’s one of the foundational aspects of the Web, but easy to get wrong with HTML5 involved. Amani Ali has a post to help set you straight.

Read more of How to structure headings for web accessibility.

News, resources, tools and tutorials

New to A11y

Alt text trips up even the most seasoned developer or content creator, yet it’s one of the easiest ways to improve the accessibility of your site. Learn the five golden rules for compliant alt text and you’ll be in great shape.

Accessibility answers

I’d love to start a new section in Accessibility Weekly called Accessibility Answers. I’d answer your burning questions with a combination of my own knowledge and a handful of links. I’ve done this a bit on my blog before. If you have questions, let me know on Twitter, or reply to this email, and they might appear here.

Suggestions and corrections

Have a suggestion for something to be included in Accessibility Weekly? Did I make a mistake that doesn't belong on the Internet? You can either reply to this email or send a note to

Sponsorships and donations

You can sponsor Accessibility Weekly! For details, check out the sponsor page. If you or your company is interested, send a note to

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