Issue #58

Issue number 58 was sent on

Featured: Does accessibility slow down the development process?

Andrea Fercia says everything slows down the development process, and lays out the case that accessibility is design.

Read more of Does accessibility slow down the development process?.

News, resources, tools and tutorials

New to A11y

I’m always looking for web accessibility resources. Heck, it’s what prompted me to start this newsletter. Well, the University of Minnesolta at Duluth has an impressive page of resources on just about everything. Take a look – I’m sure you’ll learn something.


Last week, I had the wrong link in the New to A11y section. So I’ve shared the same resource there again this week.

Suggestions and corrections

Have a suggestion for something to be included in Accessibility Weekly? Did I make a mistake that doesn't belong on the Internet? You can either reply to this email or send a note to

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