Issue #60
Featured: Infusion – An inclusive documentation builder
The folks at the Paciello Group have created a new tool for making inclusive documentation and pattern libraries. It looks like a great way to get your application or code off to the right start.
Read more of Infusion: An inclusive documentation builder.
News, resources, tools and tutorials
- Illustrating inclusive communities (blog post)
- Landmarks accessibility extension (tool)
- Writing CSS with accessibility in mind (blog post)
- Getting started with website accessibility (blog post)
- Do you really care about accessibility? Stop box ticking! (blog post)
- Accessibility and me: Rani Nayyar (blog post)
- Creating an accessibility engineering practice (blog post)
- Playing with the accessibility object model (AOM) (blog post)
- Six ways to make a video accessible to everyone (blog post)
- Your empathy toolbox: Ensuring you design a product your users will need (blog post)
New to A11y
Pri Hossain walks you through creating accessible forms. It’s an important read because forms often sit at the center of how our customers perform tasks in our websites and applications.
Suggestions and corrections
Have a suggestion for something to be included in Accessibility Weekly? Did I make a mistake that doesn't belong on the Internet? You can either reply to this email or send a note to
Sponsorships and donations
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